- Associate professor
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (Pinyin):shanglei
- Date of Birth:1986-09-05
- E-Mail:
- Date of Employment:2018-12-25
- School/Department:长春工业大学
- Administrative Position:材化系书记
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Business Address:长春工业大学南湖校区科研楼
- Contact Information:0431-85968078
- Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
- Professional Title:Associate professor
- Status:Employed
- Academic Titles:吉林省科技厅碳纤维及其复合材料(企业)重点实验室副主任;车用碳纤维复合材料吉林省校企联合技术创新实验室主任
- Alma Mater:长春工业大学
- Teacher College:化学与生命科学学院
- Discipline:Applied Chemistry
Polymer Chemistry and Physics
Contact Information
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- Paper Publications
- shanglei,张春红,尚垒.Synergistic effect of novel ionic liquid/graphene complex on the flame retardancy of epoxy nanocomposites.Carbon Letters,2023:1
- shanglei,张春红,崔劲松,隋文博,宫宇宁,刘浩,aoyuhui,尚垒.High heat Resistance, Strength, and toughness of epoxy resin with cellulose nanofibers and structurally designed ionic liquid.Chemical Engineering Journal,2023:1
- shanglei,谢瑞行,aoyuhui,敖玉辉.【SCI3区通讯作者敖玉辉】Design of epoxy resin with sustainability, high adhesion and excellent flame retardancy based on bio- based molecules.Journal of Materials Science,2022,57(27):1
- shanglei,于继胤,尚垒.【SCI通讯】Evolution of electrical properties and microstructure of polyacrylonitrile‑based carbon fibers during carbonization.Carbon Letters,2022:1
- shanglei,马金鹏,尚垒.【SCI通讯】Biodegradable epoxy resin from vanillin with excellent flame-retardant and outstanding mechanical properties.Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022:1
- shanglei,郭宗伟,徐子策,董志强,张孟杰,迟至远,liming,aoyuhui,尚垒.High-performance thermosets with tailored properties derived from multi-arm stared vanillin and carbon fiber composites.Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021:1
- shanglei,张孟杰,刘浏,liming,aoyuhui,敖玉辉.【SCI】Improving the interfacial property of carbon fibre/epoxy resin composites by grafting amine‐capped cross‐linked poly‐itaconic acid.SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS,2019:1
- shanglei,张修平,张孟杰,金琳,刘浏,liming,aoyuhui,敖玉辉.[SCI]A highly active bio-based epoxy resin with multi-functional group: synthesis, characterization, curing and properties.Journal of Materials Science,2018:1