

李思莹,自2018年进入长春工业大学攻读博士研究生学位以来,一直从事单分子生物分析研究方向。所在课题组主要利用原创研发力示踪技术和SMFS技术研究活细胞中单分子/单颗粒的跨膜转运动态过程及转运机制,并且取得了一系列原创新成果,利用本课题组原创研发的单分子力示踪技术,在单颗粒水平上实时追踪转铁蛋白促进T7多肽修饰的金纳米粒子进入不同细胞系的超快动态过程并比较其转运动态参数,本研究的相关结果已发表于Mol. Pharmaceutics,并入选ACS Editors' Choice作为亮点文章报道。迄今,已发表SCI期刊论文共13篇,撰写英文专著章节1篇。


(1) Li Siying; Pang Xuelei; Zhao Jing; Zhang Qingrong; Shan Yuping ; Evaluating the singlemolecule interactions between targeted peptides and the receptors on living cell membrane,Nanoscale, 2021, 13: 17318-17324
(2) Li Siying; Wang Ruixia; Li Junfeng; Liu Yulin; Fu Yanfeng; Zhou Jing; Yang Guocheng; ShanYuping ; Revealing the dynamic mechanism by which transferrin promotes the cellular uptake ofHAIYPRH peptide-conjugated nanostructures by force tracing, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2021, 18:1480-1485 (期刊论文)
(3) Li Siying; Pan Yangang; Teng Honggang; Shan Yuping; Yang Guocheng; Wang Hongda ;
Revealing the cell entry dynamic mechanism of single rabies virus particle, Chemical Research inChinese Universities, 2022, 38: 838-842
(4) Li Siying; Wang Hongda; Shan Yuping ; The mechanism of nano-drug delivery, Current
Pharmacology Reports, 2019, 5: 410-420
(5) Li siying; Shan yuping ; Biomembranomics: Structure, Techniques, and Applications,
chapter11, Studying Membrane Dynamics Using Force Spectroscopy Based on Atomic ForceMicroscopy,IBSN:9781003456353, Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2023 (学术专著)

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